
A podcast blog about my current Animation projects at Emerson College. Discusses progress, setbacks, and technicalities.

Monday, November 27, 2006

walk cycle mistake

This is a mistake I made with my first walk cycle. It looks like it is somewhere between a sexy saunter and a robot walk. I followed maya foundations to a T despite the fact their character is a robot, and mine is not. I thought it was pretty funny looking, and have since fixed it. I thought I should share because it makes me laugh.

Progress in General

This podcast is an attempt to catch up on my updates for the last month that I haven't gotten around to. I go relatively in depth about paint effects and touch on some of the rigging and modeling I had been doing since I last updated. I also discussed my idea for my second project for Film1 which is a pretty simple idea and mainly an exercise on the optical printer.

Click Here to Begin the Podcast

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Film1 Edit2

This is an edit of my first film (shown earlier unedited) that I did in final cut. I attempted to fix some of the darkness with a brightness/contrast filter but failed miserably so I just put it back to its original colors. Unfortunately, when i was digitizing the Iris on the thing wouldn't open up anymore so this is the lightest I could get it. However, on the projector it looks substantially better. So, you'll have to excuse this crappy quality. This film was actually meant to be a lot more comedic and silly than this edit is. I went through my entire music library and Björk's "headphones" was one of the few songs that seemed to fit the footage, even though it's not what I was going for. So, this cut is kind of different than my original intent. I think it's nice though. Of course, it would be wonderful if it had it's own soundtrack. But, I'm not musically inclined and I don't know anyone who I can call at 12am who is. So this is why Björk is the music of choice. On another note, this is not what is handed in to class and I'm just doing this for fun. PS If anyone could give me some feedback either in the comments section for this podcast or VIA Email that would be wonderful!